In New York on Thursday I saw Marvin and was glad to hear from you through him.—He said
you had not seen the Nation review of Dr Buckes book and had expressed a desire to do so. So having a copy I cut it out and
enclose it. You will see it makes some outrageously false statements about you
at which your friends were naturally indignant, but I am surprised that William
was green enough to suppose that he could get any reply printed in that organ of
the Philistines; and he probably made it so severe as to preclude its
publication yal.00293.002_large.jpg
any way even supposing them to
have been suddenly smitten with a conscience. A very improbable
You have heard that I have finally received the "grand bounce" from an ungrateful government. The fact is I have been rather badly treated by an uncircumsized dog from Kentucky, but such a thing was bound to happen sooner or later, and better now than later.
I am still in the prime of life, have health, some means and many friends, and if under these circumstances I did not cheerfully accept the situation I should be unworthy ever to have read Leaves of Grass, with its philosophy of hope and the morning.—
I enclose you my professional card. If
after a fair trial I do not succeed in earning a living yal.00293.003_large.jpg in this way I shall probably
drift back into my old trade of Publishing.
I hope you are as comfortable as usual, and enjoying as much of life as you describe in some of the later notes in Specimen Days.—
I should be delighted to hear from you, and believe me ever
Faithfully Yours Charley.