I am in receipt of your kind letter. The portrait of yourself we have given in the English Edition of "Poems" will be superseded by one from the very fine photograph wch Mr. Moncure Conway has lent me to be engraved. Should our second attempt not be satisfactory, I will cheerfully avail my self of your offer.
Mr. Swinburne was very pleased to hear that his mention of
yourself and literary labours had given satisfaction. He is now busy upon "Bothwell"—a new poem wch may be regarded as a sequel to his "Chastelard".
I am a little puzzled as to a good agent for the sale of our English selection from your "Poems" in America. Any suggestions you may make will be thankfully received.
Pray excuse the hasty scrawl—hasty to catch the post.
Yrs very truly John Camden Hotten☞ You will have received some newspaper notices of the English Edition by this time I posted them a few days since. Enclosed is from John Bright's paper