Title: Walt Whitman to an Unidentified Correspondent, 9 February 1880
Date: February 9, 1880
Creator(s): Walt Whitman
Whitman Archive ID: yal.00428
Source: Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book
and Manuscript Library. Transcribed from digital images or a microfilm reproduction of the original item. For a description of the editorial rationale behind our treatment of the correspondence, see our statement of editorial policy.
Notes for this letter were created by Whitman Archive staff and/or were derived from Walt Whitman, The Correspondence, ed. Ted Genoways (Iowa City: University of Iowa Press, 2004), vol. 7, and supplemented or updated by Whitman Archive staff.
Contributors to digital file: Alicia BonesNima Najafi KianfarEder JaramilloNicole Gray
Cite this page: Whitman, Walt. "Walt Whitman to an Unidentified Correspondent, 9 February 1880." The Walt Whitman Archive. Gen. ed. Matt Cohen, Ed Folsom, & Kenneth M. Price. Accessed 03 March 2025. <http://www.whitmanarchive.org>.
Loafing around for a couple of hours this fine sunny crispy day—cross'd the
Delaware—walk'd up Chestnut st—every thing lovely—look'd in at my
friend Col: Johnston's studio1—the sun shining
bright, & I feeling all right
Walt Whitmanyal.00337.002_large.jpg
1. In February 1880,
Whitman took a trip to Philadelphia to see his friend John H. Johnston. [back]