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Literary Manuscripts



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Month & Day 1600-#-# to 2100-#-#
Month 1600-#-1 to 2100-#-31
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Date Not After : 1860
Date (not before) : 1850

40 results

Title Date (not before) Date (not after)
A City Walk 1850 1860
After death 1850 1860
And there, farther south 1850 1860
As the turbulence of the 1850 1860
As to you 1850 1860
Books, as now produced 1850 1860
do nothing but lose from 1850 1860
Europe Cape Clear 1850 1860
for droppings 1850 1860
Free cider 1850 1860
Have you known that your 1850 1860
Hear my fife 1850 1860
hexameters 1850 1860
I must not deceive you 1850 1860
I say that if once 1850 1860
In Nature all is so real 1850 1860
in Poem of Existence 1850 1860
In Poem Song of kisses 1850 1860
In the gymnasium 1850 1860
in the West 1850 1860
Isaac Joseph Stephen Jesse 1850 1860
[l]oving every one I meet 1850 1860
Merely What I tell is 1850 1860
Names or terms 1850 1860
Perfect serenity of mind 1850 1860
Poem of Kisses 1850 1860
Poem of Names 1850 1860
Poem of the Universalities 1850 1860
Progenitors 1850 1860
Remember how many pass their 1850 1860
Remember if you are dying 1850 1860
Sculpture 1850 1860
Slavery 1850 1860
The most perfect wonders of 1850 1860
The Ruins 1850 1860
Understand that you can have 1850 1860
Who wills with his own 1850 1860
Why should I subscribe money 1850 1860
you cannot define too clearly 1850 1860
you woman, mother of children 1850 1860
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