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Literary Manuscripts



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Month & Day 1600-#-# to 2100-#-#
Month 1600-#-1 to 2100-#-31
Day 1600-01-# to 2100-12-#
Date (not after) : 1855

138 results

Title Date (not before) Date (not after)
identical with the 1850 1855
Sweet flag 1850 1855
steamboats and vaccination 1850 1855
Are the prostitutes nothing 1850 1855
hands are cut by the 1850 1855
In the course of the 1850 1855
Priests 1850 1855
And I say the stars 1850 1855
See'st thou 1850 1855
The wild gander leads his 1850 1855
But when a voice in our hearing 1850 1855
The genuine miracles of Christ 1850 1855
Why need genius and the 1850 1855
The new theologies bring forward 1850 1855
I want no more of 1850 1855
The Katy-did works her 1850 1855
What babble is this about 1850 1855
I tell you greedy smoucher 1850 1855
I entertain all the aches 1850 1855
Where the boys dive and 1850 1855
The Elder Brother of the 1850 1855
there are leading moral truths 1850 1855
I last winter observed the 1850 1855
The fester of defeat sharper 1850 1855
The power by which the 1850 1855
To pass existence is so 1850 1855
In the present state of 1850 1855
Superb and infinitely manifold as 1850 1855
Night of south winds 1850 1855
vain the mastadon retreats beneath 1850 1855
Will you have the walls 1850 1855
I heat the hot cores 1850 1855
I shall venerate hours and 1850 1855
born at all is equally 1850 1855
I ask nobody's faith 1850 1855
Enter into the thoughts of 1850 1855
Describing the death of nine 1850 1855
undulating 1850 1855
Loveblows 1850 1855
I admire a beautiful woman 1850 1855
I can tell of the 1850 1855
How mean a person is 1850 1855
tainting the best of the 1850 1855
Of this broad and majestic 1850 1855
What would it bring you 1850 1855
The crowds naked in the 1850 1855
airscud 1850 1855
There can be nothing small 1850 1855
The money value of real 1850 1855
ground where you may rest 1850 1855
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