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Literary Manuscripts



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Month & Day 1600-#-# to 2100-#-#
Month 1600-#-1 to 2100-#-31
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Date Not Before : 1850

183 results

Title Date (not before) Date (not after)
myself to celebrate 1850 1855
names 1850 1881
Names or terms 1850 1860
Night of south winds 1850 1855
O joy of my spirit 1850 1867
Of this broad and majestic 1850 1855
Perfect serenity of mind 1850 1860
Poem for the good old cause 1850 1871
Poem of Kisses 1850 1860
Poem of Names 1850 1860
Poem of Pictures 1850 1856
Poem of the Universalities 1850 1860
Poem—a perfect school 1850 1855
Priests 1850 1855
Progenitors 1850 1860
Remember how many pass their 1850 1860
Remember if you are dying 1850 1860
Remember that the clock and 1850 1855
Remembrances I plant American ground 1850 1855
Rule in all addresses 1850 1856
Rules for Composition 1850 1855
Sculpture 1850 1860
See'st thou 1850 1855
September 11, 12, 13—1850 1850 1883
Silence 1850 1865
Slavery 1850 1860
something that presents the sentiment 1850 1856
steamboats and vaccination 1850 1855
Such boundless and affluent souls 1850 1856
Superb and infinitely manifold as 1850 1855
Sweet flag 1850 1855
tainting the best of the 1850 1855
that it fibre and strengthen 1850 1854
The crowds naked in the 1850 1855
The Elder Brother of the 1850 1855
The fester of defeat sharper 1850 1855
The genuine miracles of Christ 1850 1855
The Great Laws do not 1850 1855
The horizon's edge 1850 1855
The Katy-did works her 1850 1855
The money value of real 1850 1855
The most perfect wonders of 1850 1860
The most superb beauties are 1850 1855
The new theologies bring forward 1850 1855
The offices 1850 1854
The power by which the 1850 1855
The Ruins 1850 1860
The sores on my shoulders 1850 1855
The spotted hawk salutes the 1850 1855
The three or four poets 1850 1855
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