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Literary Manuscripts



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Month & Day 1600-#-# to 2100-#-#
Month 1600-#-1 to 2100-#-31
Day 1600-01-# to 2100-12-#
Date (not before) : 1850
Date Not Before : 1850

183 results

Title Date (not before) Date (not after)
(Of the great poet) 1850 1856
(Poem) Shadows 1850 1865
A City Walk 1850 1860
A large, good-looking woman 1850 1859
A man of gigantic 1850 1855
After all is said and 1850 1855
After death 1850 1860
airscud 1850 1855
American air I have breathed 1850 1859
And I have discovered them 1850 1855
And I say the stars 1850 1855
and nobody else am the 1850 1855
And their voices 1850 1855
And there, farther south 1850 1860
And to me each minute 1850 1855
Are the prostitutes nothing 1850 1855
armies & navies pass on the surface 1850 1870
As the turbulence of the 1850 1860
As to you 1850 1860
Asia 1850 1856
Black Lucifer was not dead 1850 1855
Bloom 1850 1856
Books, as now produced 1850 1860
born at all is equally 1850 1855
Breathjuice 1850 1856
But when a voice in our hearing 1850 1855
Can ? make me 1850 1855
clearing the way 1850 1855
cottonwood 1850 1855
Describing the death of nine 1850 1855
Do I not prove myself 1850 1855
do nothing but lose from 1850 1860
Do you ask me 1850 1870
Do you know what music 1850 1855
Enter into the thoughts of 1850 1855
Europe Cape Clear 1850 1860
Europe Laplanders 1850 1856
[Fa]bles, traditions 1850 1855
for droppings 1850 1860
for lect on Literature 1850 1870
Free cider 1850 1860
Give us men 1850 1855
Great are the myths 1850 1855
ground where you may rest 1850 1855
halt in the shade 1850 1855
hands are cut by the 1850 1855
Hannah Brush 1850 1880
Have you known that your 1850 1860
Health does not tell any 1850 1856
Hear my fife 1850 1860
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