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Literary Manuscripts



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Month & Day 1600-#-# to 2100-#-#
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Date (not before) : 1850

183 results

Title Date (not before) Date (not after)
The true friends of the 1850 1854
The wild gander leads his 1850 1855
there are leading moral truths 1850 1855
There can be nothing small 1850 1855
There is no word in 1850 1855
This is the Earths word 1850 1856
This mouth is pulled by 1850 1855
To be at all 1850 1855
To pass existence is so 1850 1855
To the English 1850 1859
Topple down upon him 1850 1855
Understand that you can have 1850 1860
undulating 1850 1855
vain the mastadon retreats beneath 1850 1855
wainscot, hut 1850 1856
waited their due time to 1850 1855
were paid for with steamships 1850 1855
What babble is this about 1850 1855
What shall the great poet 1850 1859
What would it bring you 1850 1855
Whatever I say of myself 1850 1855
Where the boys dive and 1850 1855
Where the little musk ox 1850 1855
Who knows that I shall 1850 1855
Who wills with his own 1850 1860
Why need genius and the 1850 1855
Why should I subscribe money 1850 1860
Will you have the walls 1850 1855
you cannot define too clearly 1850 1860
You lusty and graceflu youth 1850 1855
You there 1850 1855
You villain, Touch 1850 1855
you woman, mother of children 1850 1860
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