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Literary Manuscripts



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318 items

Title Date (not before) Date (not after)
to enjoy the Panorama 1840 1855
I am that half grown 1840 1855
Of a summer evening a 1840 1849
distinctness every syllable the flounderer 1840 1855
This singular young man was 1840 1855
Outdoors is the best antiseptic 1840 1855
Municipal legislation 1840 1860
Lofty sirs 1840 1855
Not to dazzle with profuse 1840 1855
The regular time 1840 1860
Write a new burial service 1840 1860
Literature it is certain 1840 1892
A talent for conversation 1840 1870
The good hostess 1840 1860
seems perpetually goading 1840 1855
is wider than the west 1840 1855
The questions involved 1840 1860
Living Pictures 1840 1855
Wants 1841 1862
The Play-Ground 1841 1846
Walter Whitman, of Suffolk co. 1841 1841
Jan 12. Walter Whitman 1842 1842
far. Amongst this 1844 1846
poet of Materialism 1845 1855
What we call literature is 1845 1860
of these poems 1845 1860
And to the soul 1845 1855
The analogy 1845 1855
For remember that behind all 1845 1860
human feet, awaits us 1845 1855
truly what is commonest 1845 1855
For example, whisper 1845 1855
One obligation of great fresh 1845 1855
Mocking all the textbooks and 1845 1855
Nehemiah Whitman 1845 1861
American literature must become distinct 1845 1855
The only way in which 1845 1860
Man, before the rage of 1845 1855
dithyrambic trochee 1846 1855
It seems to me 1847 1855
Make no quotations 1847 1855
is rougher than it was 1848 1855
wooding at night 1848 1887
1848 New Orleans 1848 1887
Like Earth O River 1848 1848
Sailing Down the Mississippi at Midnight 1848 1848
Nerve.—A Frenchman 1849 1849
To be at all 1850 1855
And I have discovered them 1850 1855
It is no miracle now 1850 1855
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