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[begin surface 1] Assyria & Egypt


illustrating the aesthetic and intellectual developements of our race, in fluency, poems, the beautiful, in theory and action, ^in friendship, architecture, manners and so on, philosophy, and much else.


—the physical, that which guidesmakes ^a commanding and mighty race, mastership, rudeness,—that which gives a great perfection to war, conquest, invasions, audacity, amplitude, victory, the majesty ^& discriminations of law, the dignityfied of ^in attitude, speech, and the like


Where does India come in? Before? see preceding leaf


the spiritual element, the indefinite, the immortal, ^sublimity, the realm of that to which the material tends, the realm of shadows, meditation, the influence of the stars in solitude at night, the ^sublime idea of a coming sav man or saviour, a perfect individual
[begin surface 2] More or less, ^undoubtedly in India ^in Hindustan, Egypt, Assyria, Persia China Phoenicia, and other lands, elder lands, Doubtless much preceded the Greeks, Romans, and Hebrews— But what preceded themse ^latter is hard to tell except from by the process of reasoning from effects to causes——Egypt, Assyria, India, Phoenicia, China. [begin surface 3]
[begin surface 4]
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