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Whitman's hand blue double overline and underline
Highlighting yellow background with top and bottom border
Paste-on gray box with black borders
Laid in white box with black borders
Erasure white text with dark gray background
Overwritten brown with strikethrough
[begin surface 1] The English Circle very grand " undemonstrative F Maddox Brown 37 Fitzroy sq— in last Scribner—or one before—see sketch of Brown, with portrait has family—wife, son, & two daughters Rossetti, W.M—lives with 2 sisters & mother near by Dante Gabriel—worldly pros perous—has a house on Thame Wm Morris—keeps how Mrs. Morris—beautiful Swinburne comes— O'Shaughnessy—(protege of Bulwer writes in old style— [begin surface 2]
[begin surface 3]
nobl looking fellow—gothic —2d place at Dean Trench's —aristocratic place —breakfast at 12 Browning is the liveliest little man you ever saw in your life not so very small either picture in Browning's room —sketched by D.G. Rossetti
[begin surface 4]
Fred. Locker, (very intimate friend of Tennyson) comes 50 years old—solid "Locker's Lyrics"— Lady Hardy wife of Sir Thos. Hardy Karl Blind —his daughter Misrs. Liynn Linton "Saturday Review" —perhaps 150 or 200 people Lots of Editors
[begin surface 5]
Ford Maddox Brown 37 Fitzroy Sq. W. London Eng Swinburne Henley on Thames 331 55th st
[begin surface 6]
NIAGARA FALLS, N Y Sunday, .... 18.....
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