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It is always singular, but encouraging, to meet with commonx sense in very old books, as the Heetopades of Veeshnoo Sarma; a playful wisdom which has eyes behind as well as before, and oversees itself. It asserts their health and independence of the experience of later times. This pledge of sanity cannot be spared in a book, that is sometimes pleasantly reflect upon itself. The story and fabulous portion of this book winds loosely from sentence to sentence as so many oases in a desert, and is as indistinct as a camel's track between Mourzouk and Darfour
[begin surface 3]universal greenness. This sand was indeed somewhat impressive and beautiful to us. A very old inhabitant, who was at work in a field on the Nashua side, told us that he remembered when corn and grain grew there, and
It is a comment on the flow and freshet of modern books. The reader leaps from sentence to sentence, as from one stepping stone to another, while the stream of the story rushes past unregarded. The Bhagvat-Geeta is less sententious and poetic, perhaps, but still more wonderfully sustained and developed. Its sanity and sublimity have impressed the minds even of soldiers and merchants. It is the characteristic of great poems that they will yield of their sense in due proportion to the hasty and the deliberate reader. To the practical they will be common sense, and to the wise wisdom; as either the traveller may wet his lips, or an army may fill its water casks at a full stream.
One of the most attractive of those ancient books that I have met with is the Laws of Menu. According to Sir William Jones, "Vyasa, the son of Parasara, has decidedMenu, son or grandson of Brahma," and "first of created beings;" and Brahma is said to have "taught his laws to Menu in a hundred thousand verses, which Menu explained to the primitive world in the very words of the book now translated." Others affirm that they have undergone successive abridgments for the convenience of mortals, "while the gods of the lower heaven, and the band of celestial musicians, are engaged in studying the primary code."—"A number of glosses or comments on Menu were composed by the Munis, or old philosophers, whose treatises, together with that before us,
that the Veda, with its Angas, or the six compositions deduced from it, the revealed system of medicine, the Puranas, or sacred histories, and the code of Menu, were four works of supreme authority, which ought never to be shaken by arguments merely human." The last is believed by the Hindoos "to have been promulged in the beginning of time, by [begin surface 4]"Yesterday, at dawn," says Hafiz, "God delivered me from all worldly affliction; and amidst the gloom of night presented me with the water of immortality."
In the life of Sadi by Dowlat Shah, occurs this sentence. "The eagle of the immaterial soul of Shaikh Sadi shook from his plumage the dust of his body."
[begin surface 5]wisest, is as much more [covered] Some aspire to excellence in ths subordinate department, and may God speed them. What Fuller says of masters of colleges is universally applicable, that "a little alloy of
[begin surface 6]constitute the Dherma Sastra, in a collective sense, or Body of Law." Culluca Bhatta was one of the more modern of these.
Every sacred book, successively, seems to have been accepted in the faith that it was to be the final restingplace of the sojourning soul; but after all, it is but a caravansary which supplies refreshment to the traveller, and directs him farther on his way to Isphahan or Bagdat. Thank God, no Hindoo tyranny prevailed at the framing of the world, but we are freemen of the universe, and not sentenced to any cast.
I know of no book which has come down to us with
grander pretensions than this, and it is so impersonal and
sincere that it is never offensive nor ridiculous. Compare
the modes in which modern literature is advertised with the
prospectus of this book, and think what a reading public
it addresses, what criticism it expects. It seems to have
been uttered from some eastern summit, with a sober
morning prescience in the dawn of time, and you cannot
read a sentence without being elevated as upon the tableland
of the Ghauts. It has such a rhythm as the winds of
the desert, such a tide as the Ganges, and is as superior to
criticism as the Himmaleh mountains. Its tone is of such
unrelaxed fibre, that even at this late day, unworn by
time, it wears the English and the Sanscrit dress indifferently,
and its fixed sentences keep up their distant fires
still like the stars, by whose dissipated rays this lower
world is illumined. The whole book by noble gestures
and inclinations seems to render many words unnecessary.
English sense has toiled, but Hindoo wisdom never perspired. The sentences open, as we read them, unexpensively,
and, at first, almost unmeaningly, as the petals
of a flower, yet they sometimes startle us with that rare
[begin surface 7]
kind of wisdom which could only have been learned from
the most trivial experience; but it comes to us as refined
as the porcelain earth which subsides to the bottom of the
ocean. They are clean and dry as fossil truths, which
have been exposed to the elements for thousands of years,
so impersonally and scientifically true that they are the
ornament of the parlor and the cabinet. Any moral
philosophy is exceedingly rare. This of Menu addresses
our privacy more than most. It is a more private and
familiar, and, at the same time, a more public and universal
word than is spoken in parlor or pulpit now-a-days.
As our domestic fowls are said to have their original in
the wild pheasant of India, so our domestic thoughts have
their prototypes in the thoughts of her philosophers. We
seem to be dabbling in the very elements of our present
conventional and actual life; as if it were the primeval
conventicle where how to eat and to drink and to sleep,
and maintain life with adequate dignity and sincerity,
were the questions to be decided. It is later and more
intimate even than the advice of our nearest friends.
And yet it is true for the widest horizon, and read out of
doors has relation to the dim mountain line, and is native
and aboriginal there. Most books belong to the house
and street only, and in the fields their leaves feel very
thin. They are bare and obvious, and have no halo nor
haze about them. Nature lies far and fair behind them
all. But this, as it proceeds from, so does it address what
is deepest and most abiding in man. It belongs to the
noontide of the day, the midsummer of the year, and after
the snows have melted, and the waters evaporated in the
spring, still its truth speaks freshly to our experience.
It helps the sun to shine, and his rays fall on its page to
illustrate it. It spends the mornings and the evenings,
and makes such an impression on us over night as to awaken us before dawn, and its influence lingers around us like a fragrance late into the day. It conveys a new gloss to the meadows and the depths of the wood. Its spirit, like a more subtile ether, sweeps along with the prevailing winds of a country, and the very locusts and crickets of a summer day are but later or earlier glosses on the Dherma Sastra of the Hindoos, a continuation of the sacred code. As we have said, there is an orientalism in the most restless pioneer, and the farthest west is but the farthest east. This fair modern world is only a reprint of the Laws of Menu with the gloss of Culluca. Tried by a New England eye, or the mere practical wisdom of modern times, they are the oracles of a race already in its dotage, but held up to the sky, which is the only impartial and incorruptible ordeal, they are of a piece with its depth and serenity, and I am assured that they will have a place and significance as long as there is a sky to test them by.
Give me a sentence which no intelligence can understand. There must be a kind of life and palpitation to it, and under its words a kind of blood must circulate forever. It is wonderful that this sound should have come down to us from so far, when the voice of man can be heard so little way, and we are not now within ear-shot of any contemporary. The woodcutters have here felled an ancient pine forest, and brought to light to these distant hills a fair lake in the south-west; and now in an instant it is distinctly shown to these woods as if its image had travelled hither from eternity. Perhaps these old stumps upon the knoll remember when anciently this lake gleamed in the horizon. One wonders if the bare earth itself did not experience emotion at beholding again so fair a prospect.
[begin surface 9]That fair water lies there in the sun thus revealed, so much the prouder and fairer because its beauty needed not to be seen. It seems yet lonely, sufficient to itself, and superior to observation.—So are these old sentences like serene lakes in the south-west, at length revealed to us, which have so long been reflecting our own sky in their bosom.
The great plain of India lies as in a cup between the Himmaleh and the ocean on the north and south, and the Brahmapootra and Indus, on the east and west, wherein the primeval race was received. We will not dispute the story. We are pleased to read in the natural history of the country, of the "pine, larch, spruce, and silver fir," which cover the southern face of the Himmaleh range; of the "gooseberry, raspberry, strawberry," which from an imminent temperate zone overlook the torrid plains. So did this active modern life have even then a foothold and lurking place in the midst of the stateliness and contemplativeness of those eastern plains. In another era the "lily-of-the valley, cowslip, dandelion," were to work their way down into the plain, and bloom in a level zone of their own reaching round the earth. Already has the era of the temperate zone arrived, the era of the pine and the oak, for the palm and the banian do not supply the wants of this age. The lichens on the summits of the rocks will perchance find their level ere long.
As for the tenets of the Brahmans, we are not so much
concerned to know what doctrines they held, as that they
were held by any. We can tolerate all philosophies, Atomists,
Pneumatologists, Atheists, Theists,—Plato, Aristotle,
Leucippus, Democritus, Pythagorus, Zoroaster and
Confucius. It is the attitude of these men, more than
any communication which they make, that attracts us.
[begin surface 10]
Between these and their commentators, it is true, there is
an endless dispute. But if it comes to this that you compare
notes, then you are all wrong. As it is, each takes
us up into the serene heavens, whither the smallest bubble
rises as surely as the largest, and paints earth and sky
for us. Any sincere thought is irresistible. The very
austerity of the Brahmans is tempting to the devotional
soul, as a more refined and nobler luxury. Wants so easily
and gracefully satisfied seem like a more refined pleasure.
Their conception of creation is peaceful as a dream.
"When that power awakes, then has this world its full
expansion; but when he slumbers with a tranquil spirit,
then the whole system fades away." In the very indistinctness
of the theogony a sublime truth is implied. It
hardly allows the reader to rest in any supreme first cause,
but directly it hints at a supremer still which created
the last, and the Creator is still behind increate.
Nor will we disturb the antiquity of the Scripture; "From fire, from air, and from the sun," it was "milked out." One might as well investigate the chronology of light and heat. Let the sun shine. Menu understood this matter best, when he said, "Those best know the divisions of days and nights who understand that the day of Brahma, which endures to the end of a thousand such ages, [infinite ages, nevertheless, according to mortal reckoning,] gives rise to virtuous exertions; and that his night endures as long as his day." Indeed, the Mussulman and Tartar dynasties are beyond all dating. Methinks I have lived under them myself. In every man's brain is the Sanscrit. The Vedas and the Angas are not so ancient as serene contemplation. Why will we be imposed on by antiquity? Is the babe young? When I behold it, it seems more venerable than the oldest man;