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W. A. Field to J. C. B. Davis, 4 August 1869

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August 4, 1869. Hon. J. C.B. Davis, Acting Secretary of State. Sir: I have received your letter of the 3d inst. with a copy of the note of the Peruvian Minister enclosed, all relating to the Spanish gunboats. On the 3d inst. I sent to the Attorney of the United States at New York City, a telegram, of which a copy is enclosed, marked No. 1,— and received from him the same day a telegram, of which a copy is enclosed marked No. 2. I have today received a telegram from the Marshal of the United States at New York City, of which a copy is enclosed marked No. 3. If the suggestions contained in the telegram of the Marshal are not approved by the Department of State, will you be so kind as to inform this office of the action desired by that Department? Very respectfully, your obed't serv't, W. A. Field, Acting Attorney General.
Spanish gunboats
see p 20 seq.
see Index p 80, letter S.
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