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W. A. Field to Columbus Delano, 7 April 1870

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April 7, 1870. Hon. Columbus Delano, U. S. Commissioner of Internal Revenue. Sir: Egid Etzell, of Maryland, was sentenced, January 28th, 1870, to pay a fine of $100, and costs, and to be imprisoned for six months, for selling segars in unstamped boxes. March 21st, 1870, he was pardoned by the President on condition of his paying $100 fine, and the costs of the indictment,—which he has already done, as I am informed. As he has applied to you to compromise the case of forfeiture, his property also having been informed against, I herewith enclose you the Report of A. Sterling, jr., the U. S. Attorney, relative to the matter, as I have been requested by Etzell's counsel to do so. The pardon did not include, and had no reference to the case of forfeiture, and I do not desire to express any opinion whether or not that case should be compromised. Respectfully yours, W. A. Field, Assistant Attorney General. (enc.)
Internal Revenue Compromise Case E. Etzell, Maryland.
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