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Amos T. Akerman to Columbus Delano, 10 January 1871

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January 10, 1871. Hon. Columbus Delano, Secretary of the Interior Sir: At your request, I have considered the proposition submitted by you to the Judiciary Committee of the House of Representatives for providing by law for a Solicitor of the Interior Department. In my opinion, the appointment of such an officer is desirable for many considerations. Since my connection with the Department of Justice, I have had occasion to observe that a large proportion of legal questions submitted to the Attorney General came from the Department of the Interior. Much of the important legal business of the Government arises, and is transacted, in that Department. It is often important and desirable that the Head of that Department, as in fact of every Department, should have in immediate contact with himself a competent legal adviser, whose whole time and attention should be given to legal questions arising in the various bureaus thereof. I therefore concur in the views expressed by you to the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee, and have the honor to add my personal desire that these views may receive a favorable consideration. Very respectfully, &c. A. T. Akerman, Attorney General.
question of app'ting Solicitor of the Interior
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