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Amos T. Akerman to John A. Burbank, 15 April 1871

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April 15, 1871. Hon. John A. Burbank, Governor of Dakota Terr, Yankton. Sir: I have received your letter of the 3d instant, requesting my opinion upon the legality of the call issued by the acting Governor for a special session of the Legislative Assembly on the 18th instant. It is not according to the usage of this Department to render opinions on such questions, except at the call of the Secretary of State. In view of the emergency stated in your letter, I acquainted him with its contents—and he, waiving the irregularity of the direct application from you to me, has called on me for an opinion on the subject, which I have transmitted to him; and I suppose the substance of it will have been communicated by him to you by telegraph, before you receive this letter. Very respectfully, &c, A. T. Akerman, Attorney General.
certain Territorial question
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