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W. A. Field to George S. Boutwell, 30 June 1869

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June 30, 1869. Hon. Geo. S Boutwell, Secretary of the Treasury. Sir: In compromise of the Internal Revenue case of Henry H. Revill, of Georgia, submitted by your letter of the 29th inst., Revill proposes to pay as tax, $113,—as assessed penalty, 7.50—as specific penalty $50, and costs—by which is meant, I suppose, the legally taxable costs. It appears that certain property has been seized, and security taken that the same shall be "forthcoming in Court"—and that the case was reported to the United States Attorney for suit.—It does not distinctly appear that any suit or proceeding in court has actually been commenced, in which case only is the recommendation of the Attorney General required. I deem, however, the compromise, a proper one to be made. The papers are herewith returned. I have the honor to be, &c. &c. W. A. Field, Acting Attorney Gen'l.
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