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Benjamin Helm Bristow to K. Carroll, 16 October 1871

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Oct. 16, 1871. K. Carroll, Esq. Rome, New York. Sir: I have received your letter of the 13th instant, enclosing a statement of Chester Linkfield, Esq. who is under bail to appear at the next December term of the U. S. Court for the Eastern District of Texas, to answer two charges against him for defrauding the Government. I have referred Mr. Linkfield's statement to the District Attorney of the U. S. for the Eastern Dis't. of Texas, with the request that he will report the facts in the case to this Department. When his Report shall have been received, the matter will be duly considered by this Department. Very respectfully, B. H. Bristow, Solicitor Gen'l. & Acting Attorney Gen'l.
Chester Linkfield, Texas
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