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Amos T. Akerman to A. Fitzwalter, 20 December 1871

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Dec. 20, 1871. A. Fitzwalter, Esq. Shelby, N. C. Sir: Your letter of the 13th inst. to Senator Pool has been referred by him to me. It is undesirable to suspend the writ of habeas corpus, or to do any unusual thing in the suppression of crime, except where it is positively demonstrated that the ordinary process of law is insufficient. I have hoped that the example of the prosecutions in North Carolina would take away all occasion for resorting to these extraordinary remedies. Yet if it becomes necessary to resort to them in your State, I have reason to believe that the President will not hesitate to do so. But he should be furnished with full and particular information before such a step can be justified. Very respectfully, A. T. Akerman, Attorney General.
Ku Klux
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