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Amos T. Akerman to Clarence A. Seward, 28 December 1871

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Dec. 28, 1871. Clarence A. Seward, Esq. p. o. box 217, New York City. Sir: I learn that you desire to have a distinct understanding with the Department on the subject of your compensation for the defence of the suit of George W. Jones against William H. Seward, late Secretary of State, now before the U.S. Circuit Court for the Southern District of New York. In my letter of May 26th I informed you that the question whether the compensation should be paid by this Department, or by the State Department, was reserved for future consideration. After consultation with the Secretary of State, I am satisfied that it should be paid by this Department: Therefore when the services are ended, I will consider this Department bound to pay you a reasonable compensation. It is not customary for the Department to pay retaining fees. Very respectfully, A. T. Akerman, Attorney General.
compensation question
see pp 92 96 ante
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