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Such boundless and affluent souls


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Such boundless and affluent souls. . . . . . . bend your head in reverence, my man! they are met through all the strata of life.—Their centrifugal power of love, I think, makes the awfullest forces of nature stand back.—Its perennial blow the frost shall never touch; and what we call death shall go round outside it forever and ever.—

(Every hour of the day and night, and every song acre of the earth and shore, and every point and ^or patch of the sea and sky, is full of beautiful pictures.—No two of this immortal brood are alike; except that they all alike in their ^are all alike of unspeakable beauty and perfection, and ^large and small, alike, descend into that greedy Something in Man whose appetite, ^is more undying than hope, and more ravenous insatiate than the sand is [illegible] with water, appears at his side with at his holy baldness flits at his side like a ghost)

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