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wooding at night


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wooding at night—the 20 deck hands at work briskly as bees—in going up the river the flat-boat loaded with wood was attached to the side of our steamer and taken along with us, until the wood was transferred—

Spectacle of the men lying around in groups in the forward part of the lower deck at night—some asleep some conversing—glare of the fire upon them—Some emigrants on their way "up country"—young fellow and his stout young German wife.—Gruffness of the mate to the boat hands—(Life, lot, appearance, characteristics, pay, recklessness, premature deaths, etc etc of the western boat-hands.)

Expressions of the mate.—"Step-along, my bullies!" Come, bullies, hop, now! hop now!"


Mixture of passengers.—A couple of those respectable old gentlemen who are sent to "great" Conventions.—Our two were on the   [begin leaf 1 verso] way to Philadelphia?—At the place where we took one of them up (describe his appearance, his silver mounted cane etc,) he had about two-score hands to shake, and as many "good-byes" to utter.—

"Now, ^Uncle Daniel, you must nominate Clay," said one.—

"Taylor, Uncle Dan" sang out another

(Had there been time, we should no doubt have had an argument; but western steamboats, like wind and tide, wait for no man, on certain occasions; and this was one of them.—(Describe this old gentleman's manner on the boat his kid gloves.)

The other convention man, seemed to be generally known too.—he was called "Doctor"; wore a white cravat; was deaf, tall, apparently rheumatic, and slept most of the passage—except about meal

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Cookery of the boats bad—raw strong coffee—too much grease—haste of the people to get to the table—would rush in and seize their chairs, ready to spring into their places the moment the bell rang.—

Long monotonous stretch of the Mississippi—Planter's dwellings surrounded with their hamlets of negro huts—groves of negro men women and children in the fields, hoeing the young cotton

Our competition, or race, with the "Grand Turk"—continued from day to day.—Deceptiveness of the steamboat officers as to time of starting, etc.—Gallantry toward the females—Painful effect of the excessive flatness of the country.—

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