Compare the following passages directed toward young women from Gregory's text to passages directed toward young men from Graham, Woodward, Trall, and Pancoast:

When, in spite of the best management, a young girl exhibits change or irregularity of character, becomes subject to sighs and tears, of which no cause is apparent, and betakes herself to solitude, then, the muscular exercise sufficient to produce slight fatigue, agreeable society, and powerful diversions, are means that must be adopted


Female fashions are another exciting cause of licentiousness, not only in the community, but among the fashionables themselves.   Those who practise their arts upon others are destroyed by their own weapons.  This system of corruption is kept up by the constant importation of the latest styles from France--design by French taste, and dictated by French morality.  Nor is this influence confined, as formerly, to our cities, these "Latest Fashions" are spread all over the land, by our popular magazines, or periodical picture-books.  Thus is public virtue tainted, no only by following these immodest fashions, but also by exhibiting them in engravings.  Yet these ladies, and parents furnish them to their daughters; but are they aware that they tend to excite the passions, till they become ungovernable, and break out in open licentiousness and self-pollution.  [Speaking of corrupting European influences, Romantic painting was becoming increasingly erotic and suggestive in Europe as the 19th-century progressed, as is evident from the 1846 painting, Sentimental Girl, by Johann Peter Hasenclever].


The only safety amidst such influences is in an earnest desire to escape contamination, a sincere love of virtue, and a firm determination to check the first risings of impure thoughts, and to avoid every thing that may excite them.  Usefully employ the mind, cultivate virtuous principles of purity of heart in the sight of Heaven, and bring all the motives, physical, moral, and religious, to aid in establishing nobler sentiments in the mind.

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