Links to Phrenology
the Web  
Graphic is a Bust Designed by L.N. Fowler 
The ultimate, award winning sight on modern and historical phrenology.  This sight has a strong positive bias towards phrenology, but it also has extensive information on the history of phrenology, quotations of phrenology, and an extensive bibliography.
A web site compiled by students at Wabash College for a class project.  There is a focus on Gall and the birth of phrenology, phrenology's popularization by Fowler and Wells, and the 20th century revival of phrenology.  This site is hard to navigate, but it has lots of valuable information if you are patient enough to find it.
This sites more significant contribution is an interactive head chart.  Click on the sections of the head to get the interpretation by Fowler and Wells.
Just for fun--send in the measurements of your head and the sites authors are supposed to send back your phrenological report.  This is an example of how phrenology has been adapted into modern culture.
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