Phrenological Analysis
of the Character of Walt Whitman

Phrenological Description
W. (Age 29 Occupation Printer) Whitman
L.N. Fowler N. York July 16--1849.

You were blessed by nature with a good constitution and power to live to a good old age. You were undoubtedly descended from a long-lived family. You were not (like many) prematurely developed--did not get ripe like a hot house-plant but you can last long and grow better as you grow older if you are careful to obey the laws of health, of life and of mental and physical development. You have a large sized brain giving you much mentality as a whole. You are well calculated to enjoy social life--

Few men have all the social feelings as strong as you have. Your love and regard for woman as such are strong and you are for elevating and ameliorating the female character. You were inclined to marry at an early age. You could not well bear to be deprived of your domestic privileges and enjoyments. You are very fond of children or pets and would much desire to have your own intelligent and respected. You are also very fond of home and think much of having one of your own and of making it comfortable and attractive. You would like to travel and yet to go and leave family and friends would be a task.

You are one of the most friendly men in the world and your happiness is greatly depending on your social relations. You are familiar and open in your intercourse with others but you do not by so doing lose your dignity. You would be or are a kind husband--an affectionate father, and a sincere friend and a feeling obliging neighbor. You can easily pass from one thing to another and you prefer short comprehensive speeches to long yarns about nothing. You have much energy when you are aroused but you are not easily moved at trifles. You would if obliged to, fight bravely for friends, woman, moral character, children and honor. You choose to fight with tongue and pen rather than with your fist. You are not quarrelsome but you mind your own business and like to see others do the same.

You are cautious and look well to the future, to consequences and obstructions and are generally pretty sure you are right before you "go ahead." Your courage is probably more moral than physical. Your appetite is most too strong naturally and your food relishes well. You are pretty well calculated to resist disease and to soon recover if you are attacked by it. You are no hypocrite but are plain spoken and are what you appear to be at all times. You are in fact most too open at times and have not always enough restraint in speech. You are more careful about what you do than you are about what you say--

You are independent, not wishing to be a slave yourself or to enslave others. You have your own opinions and think for yourself. You wish to work on your own hook, and are inclined to take the lead. You are very firm in general and not easily driven from your position. Your sense of justice, of right and wrong is strong and you can see much that is unjust and inhuman in the present condition of society. You are but little inclined to the spiritual or devotional and have but little regard for creeds or ceremonies. You are not any too sanguine and generally realize as much as you hope for--

You are very sympathetic and easily moved by suffering, and take much interest in those movements that are of a reformatory and philanthropic character. You are not any too fond of property but value it as a means --are not a penny-man, and despise narrowminded penuriousness--You have taste and considerable imagination but it does not blind you to fact or reality. You can adapt yourself to time place and company but you do not try to act out another's character but are yourself at all times.

You have both reason and perception, and hence can reason well. You have a strong desire to see everything and your knowledge is practical and available. You have a good mechanical eye and can judge well of and recollect forms and proportions well. You have a good sense of order either mentally or physically. By practice might make a good accountant. You can locate well and have a taste for geography. You are a great reader and have a good memory of facts and events much better than their time. You can compare, illustrate, discriminate, and criticise with much ability. You have a good command of language especially if excited.

Size of brain..................................6 Benevolence.......................6 to 7
Strength of System........................6 Constructiveness.......................5
Degree of activity..........................5 Ideality...............................5 to 6
Propelling or executive
Sublimity............................5 to 6
Vital Temperament........................5 Mirthfulness...............................5
Motive apparatus..........................6 Intellectual faculties.............5 to 6
Mental apparatus..........................5 Observing and Knowing
Philoprogenitiveness...............6 to 7Individuality...............................6
Adhesiveness.................................6 Form.........................................6
Inhabitiveness................................6 Size...........................................6
Concentrativeness..........................4 Weight.......................................5
Combativeness..............................6 Color.........................................3
Destructiveness.......................5 to 6Order......................................5+
Alimentiveness...............................6 Calculation................................5
Acquisitiveness..............................4 Locality.....................................6
Secretiveness.................................3 Eventuality.................................6
Cautiousness..................................6 Time..........................................3
Approbativeness............................4 Tune..........................................4
Self Esteem.............................6 to 7Language...................................5
Firmness........................................6 Causality....................................5
Conscientiousness..........................6 Comparison...............................6
Hope.............................................4 Suavitiveness..............................4
Marvellousness..............................3 Intuition of human nature.............6

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