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Walt Whitman to James R. Osgood & Company, 17 July 1881

 whs.00001.001_large.jpg Dear Sirs

I have been unwell & disabled the last fifteen days from the heat & several little things happening. Am pretty well shattered anyhow—Am busy with the copy of the book—thought I had finished—but I find it will bear about as much work as I can put on it—& I can't hurry—But it is about in printing office shape—

How will it do to have this definite arrangement—that I come on by (or just before) 1st of September to Boston—& we make a clear start with it at once then?—Ought to be put through I suppose in two months—say by the end of October—

I was thinking something might be done with an extra bound edition for the holiday book trade for '81–2 for gift books— whs.00001.002_large.jpg whs.00001.003_large.jpgCouldn't we get it out early half of November if I am in Boston with the copy complete on or before 1st September sure?2

Walt Whitman  whs.00001.004_large.jpg


  • 1. A draft version of this letter is available at the Library of Congress. [back]
  • 2. On July 18 the firm was ready to "start the book whenever you wish, and should consider six to eight weeks sufficient time for it." [back]
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