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Song of Myself

Below are all known versions of this work, organized by the section in which they appear on the Archive


Section: Published Writings

Leaves of Grass (1856)

Poem of Walt Whitman, an American.

Leaves of Grass (1860–1861)

Walt Whitman

Leaves of Grass (1867)

Walt Whitman

Leaves of Grass (1871)

Walt Whitman.

Leaves of Grass (1881–1882)

Song of Myself.

Leaves of Grass (1891–1892)

Song of Myself.

Section: Literary Manuscripts

How gladly we leave the

to enjoy the Panorama

Outdoors is the best antiseptic

Poem incarnating the mind

Lofty sirs

Will you have the walls

Of this broad and majestic

to enjoy the Panorama

Outdoors is the best antiseptic

Lofty sirs

is wider than the west

Poem incarnating the mind

poet of Materialism

you know how

For remember that behind all

No doubt the efflux of the soul

For example, whisper

is wider than the west

The most perfect wonders of

[I can tell of the long besieged city]

And to me each minute

Man, before the rage of

poet of Materialism

For remember that behind all

truly what is commonest

For example, whisper

Man, before the rage of

No doubt the efflux

you know how

Talbot Wilson

Talbot Wilson

Autobiographical Data

It is no miracle now

After all is said and

Light and air

I know as well as

[Fa]bles, traditions, and

There is no word in

My Spirit sped back to

I see who you are

To be at all

And I have discovered them

My tongue can never be

Remembrances I plant American ground

A man of gigantic

Remember that the clock and

The most superb beauties

(Of the great poet)

In metaphysical points

myself to celebrate

It were unworthy a live man to pray

It is the endless delusion

Give us men

Sweet flag

The wild gander leads his


And I say the stars

The genuine miracles of Christ

In his presence

Rule in all addresses

See'st thou

The test


The Katy-did works her

What babble is this about

I tell you greedy smoucher

What babble is this about

I entertain all the aches

Where the boys dive and

The Elder Brother of the

I last winter observed the

To pass existence is so

What would it bring you

The fester of defeat sharper

Superb and infinitely manifold as

I heat the hot cores

I shall venerate hours and

Why should I subscribe money

Enter into the thoughts of

Describing the death of nine

I can tell of the


(Poem) Shadows



I ask nobody's faith

Night of south winds

The crowds naked in the

vain the mastadon retreats beneath

ground where you may rest

Do you know what music

I know many beautiful things

You villain, Touch

Poem—a perfect school

The Whale-boat

After death

[How can there be immortality]

I am a Student

The spotted hawk salutes the

I call back blunderers

Do I not prove myself

Whatever I say of myself

My hand will not hurt what


His very aches are exstasy

Topple down upon him

Where the little musk ox

Who knows that I shall

You there

And their voices

The horizon's edge

I am become the poet

I think I could dash

Can ? make me

Remember if you are dying

halt in the shade

and nobody else am the

you woman, mother of children

were paid for with steamships

To be at all

And I have discovered them

It is no miracle now

My tongue can never be

There is no word in

I am not content now

Remembrances I plant American ground

I know as well as

(Of the great poet)

In metaphysical points

It were unworthy a live

Light and air

[Fa]bles, traditions

My Spirit sped back to

I see who you are

A man of gigantic

How gladly we leave the

Remember that the clock and

The most superb beauties are

myself to celebrate

After all is said and

It is the endless delusion

Sweet flag

In the course of the


And I say the stars

See'st thou

Rule in all addresses

The wild gander leads his

The genuine miracles of Christ

The Katy-did works her

What babble is this about

I tell you greedy smoucher

O joy of my spirit

I entertain all the aches

Where the boys dive and

The Elder Brother of the

The fester of defeat sharper

To pass existence is so

The most perfect wonders of

Superb and infinitely manifold as

Night of south winds

vain the mastadon retreats beneath

Will you have the walls

I heat the hot cores

I shall venerate hours and

I ask nobody's faith

Enter into the thoughts of

Describing the death of nine


(Poem) Shadows


I can tell of the

Of this broad and majestic

The crowds naked in the


Why should I subscribe money

There can be nothing small

ground where you may rest

You villain, Touch

I am become a shroud

I know many beautiful things

And to me each minute

Do you know what music

Poem—a perfect school

After death

you woman, mother of children

I am a Student

I call back blunderers

Do I not prove myself

My hand will not hurt

I am a curse

Topple down upon him

Where the little musk ox

Who knows that I shall

You there

And their voices

The horizon's edge

I am become the poet

Can ? make me

Remember if you are dying

and nobody else am the

halt in the shade

Whatever I say of myself

The spotted hawk salutes the

I think I could dash


His very aches are exstasy

Understand that you can have

were paid for with steamships

In his presence

[med Cophósis]

"Summer Duck"

med Cophósis

"Summer Duck"

The regular old followers

From the tips of his

From the tips of his

The regular old followers

I know a rich capitalist

Autobiographical Data


9th av.

I know a rich capitalist

9th av.


In the course of the

Understand that you can have

Brutish human beings

Life light and

Section: Commentary

Review of Leaves of Grass (1855)

'Leaves of Grass'—An Extraordinary Book

An English and an American Poet

Review of Leaves of Grass (1855)

Walt Whitman and His Poems

Review of Leaves of Grass (1855)

Studies Among the Leaves

Review of Leaves of Grass (1855)

Review of Leaves of Grass (1855)

Our Book Table

Leaves of Grass

Review of Leaves of Grass (1855)

Review of Leaves of Grass (1855)

Review of Leaves of Grass (1855)

"Leaves of Grass"

Transatlantic Latter-Day Poetry

Review of Leaves of Grass (1855)

Leaves of Grass

Review of Leaves of Grass (1856)

Walt Whitman

The New Poets

Walt Whitman And His Critics

Leaves of Grass

Leaves Of Grass

Review of Leaves of Grass (1860–61)

Leaves Of Grass

A Hoosier's Opinion Of Walt Whitman

Review of Leaves of Grass (1860–61)

Verse—and Worse

Review of Leaves of Grass (1860–61)

Leaves of Grass

A Wild Poet of the Woods

Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman's Works

Walt Whitman

The Poetry of the Period

The Poetry of Democracy: Walt Whitman

Walt Whitman's Last

Leaves of Grass

Walt Whitman's Poems

Leaves of Grass

Whitman's "Leaves of Grass"

Walt Whitman's Poems

Walt Whitman and the Poetry of the Future

Walt Whitman's Claim to Be Considered a Great Poet

"Leaves of Grass"

"Leaves of Grass"

The Poetry of the Future

Walt Whitman's Complete Volume

Leaves of Grass

New Poetry of the Rossettis and Others

Whitman, Poet and Seer

Review of Leaves of Grass (1881–82)

Suggestions and Advice to Mothers

'Walt Whitman's' Leaves of Grass

Whitman for the Drawing Room

"Leaves of Grass"

The Second Annex to "Leaves of Grass"

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