I take this oppertuneity of giveing you this as an excuse for not comeing up to see you again before Leveing the city. on the same evening I was taken with a very severe Chill and the morning I was so sick that I could not think of staying in the city an hour longer. I come home and have been sick every since. My arm has come out in a sore were one of the balls struck it it is so bad that it gives me much pain that I cant rest but the Dr thinks it will
be well again soon Father is very sick at this time.
Uncle if I were to send you an aplication for a position in the Interior Department with recommendation will you please put them in for me and see the Asst. Secretary & urge him to give me a posison I have some recomdation from Curtain of Pa & my Captain. I will stop with the hope of hearing from you soon.
Sister wishes to be remembered to you
Your Humble Servant Wm H. Millis Jr.