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Walt Whitman to Elizabeth Porter Gould, 26 September 1890

Y'rs of 22d2 welcomed—of course they are original autograph & date—Am getting along ab't as usual—have just lighted a fire in my stove, & had the big old wolf-skin spread on the back of my chair3

Walt Whitman

Elizabeth Porter Gould (1848–1906) was a Massachusetts writer and reformer who edited the collection Gems from Walt Whitman (1889), a selection of poems from Leaves of Grass that she condensed to create short poetic "gems."


  • 1. This letter is addressed: Elizabeth Porter Gould | 131 Chestnut Street | Chelsea, Mass:. [back]
  • 2. Whitman is referring to Gould's letter of September 22, 1890. Only the envelope survives. [back]
  • 3. Gould added a note: "Written to me concerning an autograph on one of the pictures of himself he sent me, which a friend thought might be an imprint. The picture now belongs to the Public Library, Boston." [back]
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