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Walt Whitman to Unidentified Correspondent, 24 November 1891


Best thanks my friend for y'r kind invitation,2 but I am in an almost entirely disabled condition & must decline—

Affectionate remembrances to you Walt Whitman  hun.00040.002_large.jpg Walt Whitman 1891

As yet we have no information about this correspondent.


  • 1. Whitman wrote this letter on stationery printed with the following notice from the Boston Evening Transcript: "From the Boston Eve'g Transcript, May 7, '91.—The Epictetus saying, as given by Walt Whitman in his own quite utterly dilapidated physical case is, a 'little spark of soul dragging a great lummux of corpse-body clumsily to and fro around.'" [back]
  • 2. This communication has not been located. [back]
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