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Joseph B. Gilder to Walt Whitman, 15 January 1891

 loc.02219.001.jpg see | notes | Sept 21 | 1891 Dear Mr. Whitman:

I take the pleasure in enclosing the amount you fixed as the price of "The Pallid Wreath."2 The slips have already been sent to you.

With best wishes for the New Year, I remain

Sincerely yours Joseph B. Gilder

(See our review of last ten years in this week's Critic: to-day is our tenth anniversary.)

 loc.02219.002.jpg  loc.02219.003.jpg  loc.02219.004.jpg

Joseph Benson Gilder (1858–1936) was, with his sister Jeannette Leonard Gilder (1849–1916), co-editor of The Critic, a literary magazine.


  • 1. Gilder has written the date of this letter to the left of his signature. [back]
  • 2. "The Pallid Wreath" was published in the Critic on January 10, 1891; the poem was also reprinted in Good-Bye My Fancy (1891). [back]
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