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Edward Sprague Marsh to Walt Whitman, 14 June 1890

 loc.03262.001_large.jpg Walt Whitman, Camden, N. J. Dear Sir:

Have you any copies of the first edition of "Leaves of Grass"? Or of any subsequent unabridged edition? If so, and you can spare me a copy, please name price, and I will remit at once.

If you would kindly inscribe your name in the copy (should I be fortunate enough to get one) you would add materially to its value for me.

Respectfully Yours, E. S. Marsh.  loc.03262.002_large.jpg

Edward Sprague Marsh (1857–?) was a lawyer in Brandon, Vermont, a collector of rare books, and the editor and publisher of the Brandon Chronicle in 1894 ("Marsh, Edward Sprague," The Encyclopedia of Vermont Biography, ed. Prentiss Cutler Dodge [Burlington, Vermont: Ullery Publishing Company, 1912], 258).


  • 1. Whitman wrote in the upper right-hand corner of this letter "sent cvr's June 16." He occasionally had circulars printed to send out to potential buyers of his various books. He had circulars printed for his Complete Poems $ Prose (1888). [back]
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