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Clare Reynolds to Walt Whitman, 13 April [1891]


The books arrived safely the other day; we thank you so much for sending them. I enclose a post office order payable to you, Camden, New Jersey from Clare Reynolds Newnham College, Cambridge & hope it will arrive safely. The order is for £2.12s.

Clare Reynolds  loc.03631.002_large.jpg  loc.03631.003_large.jpg  loc.03631.004_large.jpg see notes August 10 1891

Clara (or Clare) Reynolds (1865–1937) was an educator from Clackmannanshire, Scotland. In 1888, she entered Cambridge University's Newnham College to read for the Medieval and Modern Languages Tripos—Cambridge's qualifying exam for a bachelor's degree—which she passed in 1891 with first class honors, the highest honors possible for takers of the exam. Though she was denied her degree due to Cambridge's policies on educating women, Reynolds's career in education spanned roughly thirty years and included a lecturing appointment at New Cross Training College.

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