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Walt Whitman to Joseph M. Stoddart, 11 January 1882

 loc_gt.00161_large.jpg Dear Sir1

Yours of 9th just rec'd—I will be happy to see you Saturday next—Will be in from 9 to 10½ forenoon—& from 2 to 3½ afternoon—

Walt Whitman  loc_gt.00162.jpg


  • 1. Joseph Marshall Stoddart (1845–1921) published Stoddart's Encyclopaedia America; established Stoddart's Review in 1880, which was merged with The American in 1882; and became the editor of Lippincott's Monthly Magazine in 1889. On January 11 Whitman received an invitation from Stoddart through J. E. Wainer, one of his associates, to dine with Oscar Wilde on January 14 (Clara Barrus, Whitman and Burroughs—Comrades [Boston, New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1931], 235n). [back]
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