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E. V. Garrison to Walt Whitman, 11 August 1884

 loc_jp.00034_large.jpg Dear Mr Whitman

This evening those same young men are coming to spend the evening with me, won't you join us, and be welcomed by your friend1

E. V. Garrison  loc_jp.00033_large.jpg

As yet we have no information about this correspondent.


  • 1. On the back of this letter, Whitman began drafting notes for an article about himself, titled "Walt Whitman in Camden" which appeared in The Critic on February 28, 1885, under the signature of George Selwyn. It was reprinted in Authors at Home, ed. J. L. and J. B. Gilder (1888), and in Critic Pamphlet No. 2 (1898). [back]
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