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J. Armoy Knox to Walt Whitman, 1 December 1891

 loc_jm.00048.jpg Walt Whitman2 Greetings.

May many days be added to the days and years that you have been with us, and may they be days of pleasantness  loc_zs.00604.jpg  loc_zs.00596.jpg and peace.

J. Armoy Knox.  loc_zs.00595.jpg  loc_jm.00046.jpg  loc_jm.00047.jpg

J. Armoy Knox (1851–1906) was the head of the Universal Knowledge and Information Bureau of New York, as well as an accomplished journalist. Knox was known for his work on the weekly humor magazine Texas Siftings.


  • 1. This letter is addressed: Walt Whitman Esq | Camden | N.J.—. It is postmarked: NEW YORK | DEC 1 | 230PM | 91; 1; CAMDEN, N.J. | DEC 2 | 6AM | 91 | REC'D. [back]
  • 2. Knox wrote this letter to Whitman on a printed flyer describing the work of the Universal Knowledge & Information Bureau, in New York. [back]
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