Since the completion of my late work on "Nests & Eggs of Birds of the U.S.," I have been engaged in preparing a book on bird-poetry. Would like to include your poem on "The Man-of-War Bird," if you have no objection. Anything else that you would like to appear, will be given a place, if you will call my attention thereto. Trusting to hear from you soon,
I remain Yrs., &c., Thos. G. Gentry.Correspondent:
Thomas Gentry
(1843–1905) was an ornithologist from Philadelphia and had already
published six books by the time he got into contact with Whitman. It appears
that his turn to Whitman coincided with a growing alienation from his
profession. For more on Gentry, see Ed Folsom, "The Mystical Ornithologist and
the Iowa Tufthunter: Two Unpublished Whitman Letters and Some Identifications,"
Walt Whitman Quarterly Review 1:1 (1983),