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Editor of the New Orleans Picayune to Walt Whitman, 11 January 1887

We have been informed that when you were younger and less famous than now, you were in New Orleans and perhaps have helped on the Picayune. If you have any remembrance of the Picayune's young days, or of journalism in New Orleans of that era, and would put it in writing (verse or prose) for the Picayune's fiftieth year edition, Jan. 25, we shall be pleased.1

At the time, Eliza Jane Poitevent Holbrook Nicholson (1843–1896), a Mississippi-born poet and journalist, owned the Picayune.


  • 1. Whitman wrote an essay, "New Orleans in 1848," that was published in the New Orleans Picayune on January 25, 1887. [back]
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