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Walt Whitman to James Gordon Bennett and Julius Chambers, 3 July 1888

Thanks best thanks, dear Mr Bennett & dear Mr Chambers & all you dear Herald boys—but have not sent you a line for a month—& probably will not any more—as I am ill from breaking out of old war-paralysis—I return the check & take my name from the roll.

Again best respects to Mr B & all of you—

Walt Whitman

James Gordon Bennett Jr. (1841–1918) was the editor and publisher of the New York Herald, founded by his father in 1835. Julius Chambers (1850–1920) was an American author, investigative journalist, and travel writer; after working as a reporter for the New York Tribune, he became an editor of the New York Herald and, later, managing editor of the New York World. For more on the Herald and the many poems by Whitman that were published in it, see Susan Belasco, "The New York Herald."

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