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Walt Whitman to H. R. Ricardo, 24 October [1876]

I send you to-day, to same address as this card, my Two Volumes3—Please notify me, (by postal card will do) soon as they reach you safely


As yet we have no information about this correspondent.


  • 1. This letter is addressed: H R Ricardo | Camden Cottage Christ Church road | Hampstead N W | London England. It is postmarked: Camden | Oct 24 | N.J. [back]
  • 2. Though he addressed the note October 24, Whitman wrote in his Daybooks and Notebooks that it "went probably Oct 25" (Daybooks and Notebooks, ed. William White [New York: New York University Press, 1978], 1:45). [back]
  • 3. The 1876 editions of Two Rivulets and Leaves of Grass, inscribed "H R Ricardo | from the author" are also in the Reed Collection. [back]
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