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George Washington Whitman to Walt Whitman, 14 November 1875

 yal.00305.001_large.jpg Dear Walt,

Both of your postals recd, I sent you a card on the 12th but as it was only directed Washington, I suppose its​ doubtful if you recd, it. Lou is getting along well, she is pretty weak yet, but is gaining all the time. Baby is growing nicely and seems as well as can be. There is several letters for you here, one from Burlington, & I think one from Jeff.

Edd, Tip, & myself are flourishing as usual.

George  yal.00305.002_large.jpg on reverse is a letter from George (Whitman) a brother of Walt  yal.00305.003_large.jpg  yal.00305.004_large.jpg


  • 1. Whitman crossed out this letter and wrote several lines of prose in pencil on the back. [back]
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