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Thursday, August 14, 1890

Thursday, August 14, 1890

5:40 P.M. W. just finishing a postal to Kennedy and gettng ready to go out.

Day rather warmer. Spoke of his fortunate condition—the best summer he had known for several years.

Thought "Boston is having a gay time nowadays, with the soldiers, the President—the great music and shows."

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Spoke of copy of big book ordered by McKay. "They go—slowly: in time will all be gone: but it is a job for a patient man!"

What could Baxter do with Hartmann? "I am at a loss—nothing, probably: will probably return his manuscript. It would do no good to destroy the manuscript—Hartmann would only make another, perhaps worse."

Showed him my column in Conservator about Newman and O'Reilly. Learning I could not leave it with him, he read it all, quite deliberately, saying at the end: "It is quite good—very strong and good. But O'Reilly was no Catholic!—it was not in him. I know he was in the formal sense—it was the thing to be, he was born to it—was in fact a Catholic as he was a Democrat, for reasons that did not run to the deep."

He has labelled the calamus sugars as "Home-made," and as from Kennedy, and stands them on the table.

The last few days has worn his black hat when out of the doors. Met him at the Post Office the other night, alone, on pavement, so hatted—Warren inside for letters.

Expects a piece in Saturday's Critic.

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