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Literary Manuscripts
Manuscript Catalogs
- bpl.ead01_bpl.00023
The professor's answer
Whitman Archive Title: The professor's answer
Whitman Archive ID: bpl.00023
Repository ID: Whitman.13.5.A
Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in The Walt Whitman Collection, Rare Books and Manuscripts Department, Boston Public Library
Repository Title: The professor's answer
Date: about 1870
Genre: poetry
Physical Description: 1 leaf, handwritten
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This early draft of a poem Whitman titled "The Professor's Answer" was tipped into a copy
of John Burroughs's
Notes on Walt
Whitman, as Poet and Person
between pages 16 and 17. This poem,
ultimately titled "The Base of
All Metaphysics," first appeared in print as an addition to the
"Calamus" group in
Leaves of Grass
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