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There will never come a time

  • Whitman Archive Title: There will never come a time
  • Whitman Archive ID: brn.00004
  • Repository ID: Ms.30.94
  • Repository: Catalog of the Walt Whitman Literary Manuscripts in the Harris Collection of American Poetry and Plays, John Hay Library, Brown University
  • Repository Title: There will never come a time : prose draft, [ca. 1840-1890]
  • Date: 1871-1875
  • Genre: prose
  • Physical Description: 1 leaf, handwritten
  • View Images: 1 | 2
  • Content: This prose manuscript fragment, heavily revised, appears to be part of an early draft of the essay "Robert Burns," first published in the January 25, 1875 issue of Our Land and Time . Whitman revised and republished it several times. In Complete Prose Works (1892) the essay was titled "Robert Burns as Poet and Person." The draft is written on the reverse of the bottom half of a report by Secretary of the Treasury, George Boutwell, of the public debt as of January 31, 1871.

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