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This list of one week's issue of patents from the National Patent office at Washington illustrates America and American character about as much as any thing I know.—(Remember the show at the Crystal Palace, and the American Institute Fairs.)
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List of Patents Issued from the United States Patent Office for the week ending May 12, 1857—each bearing that date:
- Iron plate railroad car wheels: G. W. Alden, New York, N. Y.
- Apparatus for heating and cooking by gas: R. Snowden Andrews, Baltimore, Md.
- Self-indicating balance: Z. W. Avery and Otis Avery, Bethany, Pa.
- Signal lamps: R. P. Bailey, Niagara, N. Y.
- Rotary shingle cutter: Wm. Bevard, St. Louis, Mo.
- Stitch for sewing machines: Chas. F. Bosworth, Petersham, Mass.
- Portable barrack: Matthias F. Brantingham, Sangamon Co., Ill.
- Bumper railroad car brakes: Louis Brauer, Sommerville, Tenn.
- Corn planters: Jno. Broughton, New York, N. Y.
- Apparatus for roasting meat: Jno. G. Brown and Jno. P. Derby, South Reading, Mass.
- Seed planters: Jno. H. Bruen, Penn Yan, N. Y.
- Mode of overcoming the windage in firearms: Ambrose E. Burnside, Bristol, Mass.
- Machines for making lozenges: Oliver R. Chase, of Boston Mass., and Silas E. Chase, Charlestown, Mass
- Machine for cutting match splints: Thomas Cook, New York, N. Y.
- Artificial honey: Zenes Corbin and Gideon Marlett, Syracuse, N. Y.
- Horse shoes: David Cumming, Sorrel Horse, Pa.
- Hook temples for looms: Warren C. Dutcher, and George Draper, Milford, Mass.
- Method of connecting the check piece to the mouth piece of bridle bits: Kesson Frazer, Syracuse, N. Y.
- Corn hunkers: E F. French, Franklin, Vt.
- Mode of constructing portable houses: Daniel Fitzgerald, New York, N. Y.
- Semi-rotative steam engines: C. B. Gallegher, Alleghany City, Pa.
- Needles for sewing: Benjamin Garvey, New York, N. Y.
- Nail plate feeder: Jno. C. Gould, Boonton, N. J.
- Hemp brakes: J. Locke Hardeman, Arrow Rock, Mo.
- Seed planters: John Haselton, Orford, N. H.
- Propeller blades: Geo. Hibsch, Buffalo, N. Y.
- Harvesters: Moses G. Hubbard, Penn Yan, N. Y.
- Presses for cottom, &c.: Henry Hughes, Port Gibbon, Miss.
- Process of treating raw cotton: Julius C. Hurd, Medway, Mass.
- Folding bedsteads: James A. Johnson, Antrim, Ohio.
- Bed bottoms: J. F. Keller, Cleveland, Ohio.
- Coal stoves: John C Keller, Philadelphia, Pa.
- Blacksmiths' strikers: Hartwell Kendall, East Dorset, Vt.
- Mortising chisel: Geo. P. Ketchum, Bedford, Ind.
- Joiner's plane: Benjamin J. Lane, Newburyport, Mass.
- Cartridges: Edw'd Lindner, New York, N. Y.
- Machine for boring flue sheets of steam boilers: Sylvanus V. Lowe, Reading, Pa.
- Clearing guard of grain elevators: Geo. Mann, Jr., Ottawa, Ill.
- Machines for engraving cylinders: Robt. Muckett and Wm. Rigby, Salford, England.
- Blasting powder: Antoino Murtineddu, Marseilles, France
- Joiner's bench trip: Chas. T. Pearson, Chelsea, Mass.
- Locks: Stuart Perry, Newport, N. Y.
- Coal cracker: Townsend Poore, Carbondale, Pa.
- Devulcanizing India rubber; ante-dated April 1, 1857: Conrad Poppenhusen and Ludwig Held, Brooklyn, N. Y.
- Piano-forte bridge: Thos, E, Power, Columbia, Mo.
- Fountain pens: Chase. Adolphus Rosefield, Columbus, Ga.
- Binding books: Archibald H. Rowand, Alleghany, Pa.
- Machine for planing chair seats: Edward Q. Smith, Cincinnati, Ohio.
- Heating soldering tools by gas: J. Henry Stimpson, Boston, Mass.
- Field fence: Seth C. Tufts, Mainville, O.
- Soap substitute for scouring woolens: Louis Wilman, Worcester, Mass.
- Rock drills: John D. Hope, Niagara Falls, N. Y., assignor to G. Arthur Gardner, New York. N. Y.
- Seed planter: Charles Ketchum, Penn Yan, N. assignor to Charles G Judd, same place.
- Sub-marine excavator: William Kennish Brooklyn, N.Y., assignor to Andrew B. Gray, San Diego, Cal.
- Copying preses: Wm. Morris Smith, Washington, D. C., assignor to himself and Peter Hannay.
- Gas generators. James A. Bruce, Baltimore, Md., assignor to the Maryland Portable Gas Company, same place.
- Method of preparing canvass for printing, painting &c., Elisha Lee, Baltimore, Md.
Re-issue—Hanging shafts in mills. Pantented October 9, 1849. Jos. Bancroft, executor of Edward Bancroft, deceased, late of Philadelphia, Pa.