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born 1763 | aged 62 |
died 1825 |
Born 1763 at Wonsiedel in near Baireuth, (Germany)
rather poor the earlier years, father a subordinate clergyman
—went to the university—his father died—he
was hard up for many years afterward.—
Resolved to make his living by writing books—
his first work being finished—no publisher—
tried some time—at last found one in Berlin
—unnoticed by the reviews, except one, and
that gave a scornful notice.—Richter
still holds his purpose—writes another
work, "Selections from the papers of the Devil,""
ransacked high and low for a publisher, but
found none—until some years afterward—
Stood out in costume, wore his shirt open
at the neck, &c—horrified all the "magisters"
—held out in costume seven years, and then
returned to orthodoxy—
Living in the most scanty manner for some ten years, in 1793, when 30 years old, he began to be known and his works marketable, "the Invisible Lodge," "Hesperus" &c. about that time. (novels.)—The Reviews acknowledged him, and he went on writing and receiving good returns.—He wrote many many works, (some sixty or more vols. I believe) He married 1798, a good wife of rather upper grade. Had a pension from a princely prelate, in 1802 and continued for life.—His eldest son died 1821
[begin surface 2]Was writing on a favorite theme, Immortality,
when (had been quite blind some years,)
when, 14th November, 1825, he died.—
Richter seems to have been a thoroughly
irregular genius, according to the laws and models.
He was gay, sparkling, a rattler, profound,
—one of those that to new readers do not
please, but once falling in with him, and
reading his books, it is amply made up.—
He seems to have "believed in Christ," and
the orthodox tenets,.
His person was huge, queer, irregular.—
He is witty, very—yet a certain true
pathos pervades even his comeiedy.—
I should say that he was unnatural,
and lurid, judged by the calm and wholesome
models.—He is full of love, and appears
to be the originator of much of the
soft and sentimental ways of the swarms
of tale‑writers of the last thirty years, in
inBritain and America.—
Carlyle certainly introduced the
German style, writers, sentimentalism,
transcendentalism, &c. &c &c from 1826
to a1840—through the great Reviews
and magazines—and through his own
works and example.—