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Memory.—Nothing makes this faculty


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Memory.Nothing makes this faculty so good, as the employment of it.Locke.—

Many trouble themselves about conforming to laws.—A great poet is followed by laws—they conform to him.

Plutarch—born inabout the year 50 ac probably. died, it may be 125 ac notes of TimesLife, books ^ &c. ^translations when appeared.— Plutarch's LivesPlutarch's Lives— Amiot's translation (French) 1558 in Greek text, at Paris,—1624 First English tra^nslation—during reign of Queen Elizabeth Dryden, with many others in Co. also made a translation "a motley work," Plutarch—born ^in Bœotia, in Greece, about the year 50 of the Christian era studied (like the ^general Greek youth)—acquired a great art of memory—read all the books (MSS.) of his time—leaned toward the tenets of Pythagoras.— —was of patrician family—supposed wealthy— —had two brothers, his associates in study and amusements— he always speaks of them with pleasure and affection— —Probably traveled into Egypt—Certainly into Italy —studied Latin quite late in life—never made much progress Lectured in Rome—So Lectures, it seems, there were, even in those days;) quite like the modern fashion, they seem to have been. Plutarch had a good reputation at Rome.— —some say he was preceptor to the Emperor Trajan Notes, in the time of Plutarch, were unknown in literary compositions—this accounts for his digressions and tedious episodes.— Late in Life retired to Chæronea, a philosopher, priest.— Was married—had five children, four sons & a daughter had a good wife.— I suppose he attained a good old age—"a long life" Most of his writings, with many Lives, are Lost—those that remain being but a portion of what he wrote
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