Han1 is much the same—Weather warm and wet—improving some, steadily—She talks of you allways—how you bear it—I expect to sell a painting—but at a low price—Painting is a thing of the past to get a livelihood by—
Hoping you hold your own"—
Gratefully Charlie.Correspondent:
Charles Louis Heyde (ca.
1820–1892), a French-born landscape painter, married Hannah Louisa Whitman
(1823–1908), Walt Whitman's sister, and they lived in Burlington, Vermont.
Charles Heyde was infamous among the Whitmans for his offensive letters and poor
treatment of Hannah. For more information about Heyde, see Steven Schroeder,
"Heyde, Charles Louis (1822–1892)," Walt
Whitman: An Encyclopedia, ed. J.R. LeMaster and Donald D. Kummings (New
York: Garland Publishing, 1998).