george has
come and gone2 he
want to go much i3 think
he went
tuesday night
started from here about
9 Ockoch jeff4 was going
over with him but there
was so many going with
him i told jeff he better
not go as he was very tyred
george said it would be
12 or 1 Oclock before he would
get back we felt bad when
he started and he did
too appeard to feel very
bad he says he thinks
it altogether likely he
will be back in a month
he thinks the regiment
will be consolidated
and there will be
more officers than will
be needed but i dont
think he will be dischargd
we all eat supper up
stairs the night he went
away not so very solem
as you would suppose
but when he came to
go i felt bad enoughf
he went down to Andrews
before he went away Andrew5
i believe has got in the
yard again nancy6 was
here to day another of her
brothers is buried to day
she was going to the
funeral) those things
you sent george all
came safe he thinks he
wont want any more
cloths in some time he
had just gone when the
express came7
he said
he gesst they would not
come that he must get
some shirts he was going
down to Harrisons8
to have
his likeness taken so marthe9
got ready quick and stopped
and told him they had
come so he went down
to the bank and took out
the remander of his money
his things cost so much
more than he antisapated
he gave me 7 dollars
i told him i could doo
with enoughf to get
half ton of coal that
you sent me some
every little while but
he said he had enoughf
i got your letter10 Walt
with the dollar in and
have just got Jeffs with
the 20 cents Jeff will send
your engravings fryday
or saturday with one of
they wont be done
till thin he wanted one
sent to you and one to han12
and one to mary13
and one to
Andrew mary did not come14
we have not heard any
thing from her i had a
letter from heyde15 yesterday
he says hanna
is about
the same he says he
wishes you would write
to her that she would write
to you but it seems to hurt
her to bend over i think
she is quite poorly at times
but maybee when the
weather gets warm she
will improve
at any rate i do so
hope she may i did
think i would go on
there as soon as the weather
got warmer but jeff
and george dont seem
to think i am capable
of taking care of myself
but i think i could go
i wish Walt you could
go down and see george
he thinks they are going
on an expedition before
long he has got a good
tent only one besides
himself tom16
is discharged
and gone home
this 12 sheets of writing paper
for 4 cents is awful
stuf to write on it want
better writer than
mammy i dont think
i shall17
invest in it
again george made
a present of a gold
locket cost six dollar
and a half she cals it
her gold wacth told her
father he must get her
a key to wind up her
watch i was glad he
did get it jeff is very
good we gave george
a lot of fruit cake and
crullers19 mat marked
his things so we fixed
him off very good
we are all well but
eddy20 he is quite under
the weather has got of his
bed so you may think
he is not very well i am sorry
walt your head is no
better how bad it must be