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The Teutonic includes


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[begin surface 1] The Teutonic includes the Scandinavian—the Sc. is a branch or or portion of the Teutonic Visigoth—a western Goth, one from the western shores of the Baltic, in distinction from an Ostrogoth, or eastern gGoth.— Asia now contains and has from time immemorial contained ^more than half the population of the earth and more than one third the land of the earth—China alone has ^(so estimated) 360,000,000 inhabitants Scythia (the name given to the northern part of Asia, and Europe adjoining to Asia—(from the same root as Scot—from a word meaning woods, or shade —viz. Scot—a man of the woods— [begin surface 2]


—Rev. Dr. Hawks, a learned and eloquent scholar, has recently been delivering a series of lectures, intended to show that this continent was peopled by successive migrations from the old world, at different eras and by different races. First from the shores of the Mediterranean, which was the earliest seat of commercial enterprise, and the people from which have left their record upon the vast ruins of Yucatan; next from China and Japan to Mexico, Central and South America, and next from Northern Asia, from which the American tribes of Indians came. Those theories are sustained by remarkable analogies between the languages prevailing in different parts of the Eastern continent with those to be found on this continent.

[begin surface 3]
[begin surface 4] ancient Numidia, Getulia, &c —Northern part of Africa, on the Mediterranean now Algiers, Tripoli, &c
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